My story, my life, etc.

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

One of the greatest joys that I have in life is enjoying my family. I have been blessed with two beautiful adult children, two adult grandchildren and one adorable great grandson, Elijah. In addition, I enjoy my sister and two brothers and their families. As a born again christian, I have the opportunity of reaching many people in and out of church, spreading the love and joy of the Lord with them.

I am an actor and musician, enjoying the moments when I am on stage or before a camera to portray that "inner person" inside of me for the enjoyment of my audience to see and to whom they can connect with.

I have researched the genealogy of my families, both paternal and maternal. It is a joy to post messages and to find relatives down my blood line that can provide me with even more information on our "clan".

Weight Watchers has been a God-send to me as I have lost 70 lb. in 9 months and feel like a completely new person, free from the "pains" that once plagued me, such as high blood pressure, sleep apnea and a series of other ailments. For those struggling with their weight, I encourage you to take that first step and call Weight Watchers or another weight loss program and know that you will not be alone in your struggle to take off the weight. I am living proof!

Until I post again, I want you to know that you are special and that your life has great meaning and if you want to post a message for me anytime, know that you are now my new internet friend and I will respond to you. God bless and keep you safe and well.


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